$ 🐌snail #


Usage: snail pipe [options] <command...>

run a command and transfer binary data to and from it

  -p, --project <domain>  specify which project (taken from remote if not set)
  --no-set-transports     do not set a custom list of socket.io transports
  --debug                 show unrecognized lines from terminal session
  -h, --help              display help for command

    # Download a file
    snail pipe 'cat .data/omni.db' >omni.db
    # Upload a file
    snail pipe 'cat >.data/omni.db' <omni.db

Implementation problems:
There is no backpressure, on either side. Snail will grow in memory when there
is more data on stdin than the network can send. The WeTTY server will grow in
memory when there is more data on stdout than the network can receive. Restart
the project container (snail stop) to reclaim memory from WeTTY. Data is
transferred in base64 due to the terminal API supporting UTF-8 only, which is

Generated from Snail 2.18.0.