$ 🐌


  • auth
  • remote
  • term
  • asset
  • exec
  • logs
  • # Glitch CLI

The Glitch team is busy building their web-based editor. So we're making our own command line tool for the service, and it's called Snail.

Getting started

Install, sign in, and specify a project.

You can also practice using Snail online to see what it offers.


Use npm or download a bundled script or clone our repository.

npm option. Install a copy from our package on npm. Run this:

npm install -g glitch-snail

Bundled script option. We have a single-file bundle for Node.js on our GitHub Releases page. Download it and set it up to be executable and add it to your PATH:

curl -LO https://github.com/wh0/snail-cli/releases/latest/download/snail.js
chmod +x snail.js
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
ln -s "$PWD/snail.js" ~/.local/bin/snail

Repository option. Clone a copy of our Git repository and have npm install it:

git clone https://github.com/wh0/snail-cli.git
cd snail-cli
npm install -g

Signing in

Get a sign-in code over email or create a new anonymous user. Signing in stores your persistent token in $HOME/.config/snail/persistent-token.

code over email option.

💔 This doesn't work anymore, Glitch now requires a CAPTCHA solution for this endpoint.

snail auth send-email snailuser@example.com
snail auth code xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx

New anonymous user option.

snail auth anon

Specifying a project

Create a Git remote or specify the project on each command.

Git remote option.

snail remote -p glitch-hello-website
snail ot ls .

On each command option.

snail ot ls -p glitch-hello-website .

Sample session

We have a simple page. We want to deploy it and add an image.

We have Snail installed, and we're signed in to an anonymous account.

type snail
snail is /app/.local/bin/snail
snail whoami -n

Here's the page, in a Git repository.

git log -p
commit 213b517180c7a4af53836287679bc62c43fc3eba
Author: w <none>
Date:   Sat Oct 24 02:58:43 2020 +0000

    add placeholder

diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8435ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

The image will go on the assets CDN, so it's not in our repository.

git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

First, we set up the glitch Git remote so that subsequent commands will operate on a specific project. Later, we'll also use this remote to push code into the project.

snail remote -p lapis-empty-cafe
git remote -v
glitch  https://982a[redacted]@api.glitch.com/git/lapis-empty-cafe (fetch)
glitch  https://982a[redacted]@api.glitch.com/git/lapis-empty-cafe (push)

The project we're deploying to wasn't created on this anonymous account, so we have to join the project before we can make any changes to it. We request to join, and another project member approves this request in the web editor.

snail ot request-join -r
Requesting to join as snail-652c

We run a few commands to clear out the starter project. The snail term command connects us to an interactive terminal session where we can do that.

snail term
Welcome to the Glitch console

If you’re following someone else’s instructions make sure you trust them.
If in doubt post a question in our forum https://support.glitch.com

For now, the console and the editor don't automatically sync. You can
manually run the `refresh` command and it will force a refresh,
updating the editor with any console-created files.

For more information about this and other technical restrictions,
please see the Help Center: https://glitch.com/help

app@lapis-empty-cafe:~ 06:44
$ rm -rf * .??*

app@lapis-empty-cafe:~ 06:44
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /app/.git/

app@lapis-empty-cafe:~ 06:44
$ ls -a
.  ..  .git

app@lapis-empty-cafe:~ 06:45
$ exit

We upload the image to the assets CDN. That gives us a URL, which we put in our page.

snail asset push my-asset.png
cat >>index.html
<img src="https://cdn.glitch.com/8e6cdc77-20b9-4209-850f-d2607eeae33a%2Fmy-asset.png?v=1622356099641">
git commit -am "add asset"
[master 6a65e3c] add asset
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

We transfer our site over Git. To avoid conflict with the project's own checkout of the master branch, we push to a new branch called staging.

git push glitch master:staging
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 492 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://982a[redacted]@api.glitch.com/git/lapis-empty-cafe
 * [new branch]      master -> staging

Then we use Git inside the project to update to the version we pushed. The snail exec command lets us run single commands, in case we aren't in the mood for an entire terminal session.

snail exec -- git reset --hard staging
HEAD is now at 6a65e3c add asset

Finally, we manually run refresh because we've updated the project outside the Glitch editor. We watch the logs to see it come back up.

snail exec -- refresh
snail logs
Serving at http://1e7adc1b5ef7:3000,,
Serving at http://1e7adc1b5ef7:3000,,

Now our application is online with the page we created!

curl https://lapis-empty-cafe.glitch.me/
<img src="https://cdn.glitch.com/8e6cdc77-20b9-4209-850f-d2607eeae33a%2Fmy-asset.png?v=1622356099641">